Process book for Semester
Riso Styled Posters










For this assignment we had to choose and visually represent three different emotions that were outside of the spectrum of 6 types of Basic Emotions.
The emotions i chose were that of Anguish, Exhilaration and Apprehension.
Collapse of Reality - Saudade
This work aims to address the concept of Saudade, a Brazilian term that is not directly translatable to any other language. Saudade addresses the feeling of melancholy due to the distancing of someone, something, or somewhere, or the absence of pleasurable once lived experiences.
Hence, this work brings to life the artists’ visual representation of her Saudade in the times of Corona. A time when Saudade took on another meaning, it stopped being a symptom and became chronic. It stopped being childhood and became all those loved. It stopped being part of thinking and invaded the heart.
From being stripped of her rights as a granddaughter to say goodbye, and forced to grieve at a distance, this work attempts to take the viewer in the journey of such altered meaning and how Saudade, as poetic as it may be, is but the reflection of compiled and fleeting memories. Memories that in due time become broken, glitched, unorganised and forgotten; render such feeling of Saudade obsolete.
Audio for Saudade
Collapse of Reality - Saudade -Trials