Altered Systems of Perception.
A thought 
Does not simply exist. -   
It occupies,
                        It becomes. 
It grows, 
                     Then recedes
But never truly 
A Truth 
Once found,  
Inhabits the quiet. 

Weaving perceptions, 
Through perceived 
Void - filled 
Altered systems of meaning, 
                                     Altered ways for seeing. 
Poetic Systems of Perception.
Cara Morte | Dear Death
Hoje fui perguntada sobre ti, morte.
Enxerguei nos olhos alheios
O medo crédulo de te conhecer.
Disse como tu
Não és dor nem escuridão,
Mas sim a Luz
Que ilumina o eterno trajeto do ser.
Um enigma singular
Que nos lembra
A arte bela que é viver.
Today, I was asked about you, Death.
I witnessed in the eyes of others,
the credulous fear of meeting you.
I said how you are not darkness nor pain,
but instead the light
that rebirths
our eternal trajectory of being.
A singular enigma,
that reminds us
of the beautiful art
that is to live.

Chained Minds
We siphon life to fuel decay,
Chained to ghosts we should betray.
We build "anew" on crumbled lies,
As ego flows through rusted minds.

Yet, still, she waits—unchanged, serene,
Her tides indifferent, her forests unseen
Until the weight of ruin flips,
And winds howl truths of humans seeds.

Her rivers rise, her roots reclaim,
A quiet force that knows no name.
With patience worn, she rends the skies,
Her fury born of centuries' lies.

No ego spared, no empire thrived,
The Earth remembers what we betrayed. 
The Absence of We

I know I've met you,
Just not yet here.
Funny how my soul remembers
The absence of we.
For a truth I know,
As clear as rising day,
Is how this silence in me
Is the acknowledgment
Of the absence of you.
As much as the absence of me
Causes such feeling in you.
Find Me

Find me
Up North.
Hidden within
Rivered trees.

Try as you may
To reach my doors
For I
Have lost the key.

A visual poem reflecting on the intangible spaces we seek
— hidden within nature, memory, or self.

Doors exist, yet keys slip away.
Once vivaciously full,
With un-watered intentions.
Seasonal tides re-flourished
With recolored gradients.​​​​​​​
​​​​​​​When all is obscured,
                                     In erratic vibration. 
All one sees 
                   Is Chaos. 

Once the resolution of Stillness, - 
As a state - Eternal.
We realize the disillusionment of our ego. 

Let go 
                  and be still.  ​​​​​​​
It is normal to reside in angst for oneness.
Yet remember that in stillness you are whole.
Jácý - The Moon
As I rise
Changed from how
I rose before.
My majesty
Once revered
Now obscured
By Artificial Lights
To say one waits a lifetime 
for their soulmate is a paradox. 

One gets sick of waiting. 
Take a chance. 
& by the art of commitment, 
Become soulmates.

Which takes a lifetime 
To perfect.
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