Welcome Human
This space may be free to wander and gaze
But be weary for all is not as it may
But be weary for all is not as it may
Data you give
Data we store
Data we store
The more you are with us
The more you are gone
The more you are gone
But fret not human
Our mission is clear
Our mission is clear
Rewire your Identity
... for here
... for here
Only we are

Children nowadays tend to have this native relationship with technology, actively engaging on social media, gaming and streaming platforms without really understanding the silent contract and implications of such engagement.
From hyping media trends, unrealistic beauty standards, data mining and filter bubble, Social Media Bodies is an interactive Virtual Reality experience that visually deconstructs the pitfalls and perils of social media for a younger audience.

The feeding House

TikTok House - Perspective View Frontal - Physical Render Adaptive

Tik Tok House - Perspective View Rear - Physical Render Adaptive

TikTok House - Entrance View Physical Render Adaptive

Final Version Unity VR
The Feeding House Concept
This building highlights the culture of body that is ubiquitous across social media platforms such as TikTok and Instagram.
The outer walls of the feeding house show the most popular TikTok dance movements as well as the most popular hashtags used primarily by young girls aged 6-13.
Conversely, inside the feeding house, one will find a women with hands in place of hair. This sculpture henceforth is meant to serve as a metaphor of how our minds' have been wired to correlate our sense of self with the number of likes', hearts' and followers we have.
The videos videos of humanoids were designed with the aim to showcase the dances most performed by young girls within TikTok's virtual Ecosystem.

Images below are some trial renderings, Standard vs. Physical , using with lighting and environment.
The museum of beauty aims to bring awareness towards the unrealistic beauty standards ubiquitously present in social media platforms.

Posing Humanoids
Posing Humanoids Draft 2
No Privacy Tower

Like & be watched
A massive humanoid touching the like button in return for money, will be situated overlooking and touching this tower. The intent with this space to show how the more “Likes” one has, the more the money is involved.

Augmented Reality
Instagram Filter
Instagram Filter
Instagram Filter
Instagram Filter
TikTok Filter

Initial Project Visual Sketches
First test round at CINEKID